
Charles Kushner writes op-ed defending son Jared, family business

Charles Kushner, the founder of Kushner Cos. and father of White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, mounted a defense in an op-ed published Wednesday of the family business and his son’s involvement as both come under scrutiny from Democratic investigations.

“Jared’s service to the country has brought unprecedented scrutiny of the Kushner Companies from the media and government investigators,” Charles Kushner wrote in The Washington Post.

The founder of the real estate operation argued that the press and critics have painted an incorrect narrative about the company’s struggles and have unfairly blamed setbacks on Jared Kushner, who is the president’s son-in-law.

{mosads}Charles Kushner wrote that his son led the company to success and “took several steps to preclude conflicts of interest” when he left the company to join the White House in 2017. Jared Kushner walled himself off from company information, his father wrote, and divested from dozens of partnerships, which his father said came “at a substantial financial cost.”

The family patriarch further explained that the company’s decline was overstated. He argued that a deal at 666 Fifth Ave. in New York City “was not a financial loser.” He also disputed that the company had been forced to seek inappropriate foreign investments.

Jared Kushner and the company have been targets of intense scrutiny since the younger Kushner joined the Trump administration. The president’s son-in-law has been tasked with overseeing a wide-ranging portfolio that includes brokering a peace deal in the Middle East.

House Democrats have in recent weeks ramped up their investigation of White House security clearances following reports that Trump ordered a top-secret clearance for Jared Kushner despite concerns from intelligence officials.

Both Jared Kushner and Kushner Cos. received document requests from the House Judiciary Committee earlier this month as part of the panel’s sprawling investigation into the president’s administration, campaign and businesses.

“We are happy to assist with all inquiries, but I must note that we are already voluntarily adhering to the strictest standards to avoid even the appearance of conflicts,” Charles Kushner wrote Wednesday. “As a result, we have passed up many business opportunities that we normally would have pursued.

“That might not be as alluring as some of the crazy stuff I read about my family and our business,” he added. “But it happens to be the truth.”