
Comedy group swaps Trump Jr. book jacket with fake title: ‘Daddy, Please Love Me’

A fake jacket placed on the cover of Donald Trump Jr.’s new book in a New York City bookstore swapped the title to “Daddy, Please Love Me: How Everything I Do Is Try To Earn My Father’s Love.” 

The duo of artists and comedians known as T.G.L., which stands for “The Good Liars,” took credit for the stunt days after the president’s eldest son released the conservative book called “Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us.”

The group said they placed a book jacket on copies at a New York Barnes and Noble location “to make it a little more honest.”

“You’re welcome, Junior!” a caption read.

The book was also seen in photographs placed in the Young Adult fiction section of the bookstore.

The Trump Organization executive said the book is meant to take on “the bullshit we’ve all seen coming from the mainstream media … and the great hypocrisy and stupidity coming from the left.”

“The Good Liars,” Jason Selvig and Davram Stiefler, are also the same pair that last month placed a satirical advertisement on a New York City subway train that took aim at President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani. The ad read, “Need A Lawyer? Call Crazy Rudy.”

A photo of the blue-banner ad showed Giuliani alongside a list of legal services, which include “back-channel deals” and “cable news appearances.” 

The ad also declared that Giuliani “has no shame” and “will work for free!”

The comedians in 2016 also pretended to be “undecided” voters during the presidential election and spoke with presidential candidates on the campaign trail in their Amazon Prime movie “Undecided.”

{mosads}In a statement to The Hill, the two commented on the father/son relationship, remarking on the ways that Donald Trump Jr. tries to emulate the president. They assert that those actions go so far as the president’s son dating Kimberly Guilfoyle, a Fox News journalist they say looks like first lady Melania Trump. 

“We did the stunt to reach Don Jr. It’s really sad to watch him try to earn his father’s love so publicly. It’s pretty obvious that President Trump doesn’t love him, and Junior’s attempts to get his father’s attention — dressing up as his father for halloween and marrying a Fox News personality that looks conspicuously like Melania — have been really hard to watch.”