
Conservative pastor: Jesus would have ‘beat the crap’ out of John Bolton

Evangelical pastor Rodney Howard-Browne lashed out at former White House national security adviser John Bolton this week in a series of tweets after reports emerged that the former Trump administration official’s upcoming book contains details about the president’s relationship with Ukraine. 

“You are a slime ball of the highest order …. I should have knocked your sorry butt through the door of the Oval Office into the rose garden when I saw you. I would have gladly been arrested …. what a Benedict Arnold ….. I am glad you were fired !!!!!” Howard-Browne tweeted Monday. 

“I have no respect for someone who is disloyal to the President and loyal to deep state !!! No respect! No respect at all …… what a globalist sellout!” he added.  

The conservative pastor met with the president at the White House in 2017 during an event in which several evangelical leaders laid hands and prayed over the president. The leaders also discussed policy issues at the time, such as religious freedom, judicial nominees and criminal justice reform.

Howard-Browne also called for Bolton to “return to the deep state ocean he swam out of.”

“WWJD: he would have made a whip and beat the crap out of him!!!!” Howard-Browne tweeted. 

The attacks come after The New York Times first reported that Bolton wrote in an unpublished draft of his forthcoming memoir “The Room Where it Happens,” that Trump told him in August that he wanted to block security aid to Ukraine until the country announced investigations into the president’s political rivals, including former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.

Trump has repeatedly denied Bolton’s claims and on Wednesday called the book “nasty and untrue,” alleging on Twitter that Bolton was fired from the administration “because frankly, if I listened to him, we would be in World War Six by now.”

The White House sent a letter dated Jan. 23 to Bolton’s attorney seeking to block publication of certain parts of his book, with National Security Council official Ellen J. Knight claiming that Bolton’s manuscript contained “significant amounts of classified information.”

House Democrats have said the accusations in Bolton’s book are reason for him to be called as a witness in the ongoing Senate impeachment trial against Trump. Bolton has said he would comply if subpoenaed by the upper chamber.

However, GOP lawmakers said Wednesday that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) will be able to keep Republican lawmakers unified on a vote to defeat considering subpoenas for additional witnesses and documents in the trial.

Updated Jan. 30 at 10:41 a.m.