
Senators poke fun at Warner over tuna melt: ‘I think you’re doing it wrong’

Sen. Mark Warner received some culinary advice from fellow senators after video went viral showing the Virginia Democrat preparing a tuna melt with an inordinate amount of mayonnaise during stay-at-home orders for the pandemic.

“Mark, if you don’t change your routine there’s going to be a mayo shortage in Virginia,” Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) quipped in a tweet Wednesday afternoon. “As a vegan, I may not be much of an authority here but I think you’re doing it wrong.”

“Mark—we need to talk. Call. Please. Your friend KDH,” Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) tweeted, using her own initials.

The viral clip features Warner applying a liberal amount of mayonnaise on two slices of bread, spooning tuna from a can without draining it and adding two slices of cheese before microwaving it for 30 seconds.

“I like mayo. I know my kids hate mayo,” Warner says in the clip.

Former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) also made jokes at her former colleague’s expense, tweeting, “Ok @MarkWarner we need to talk. That’s too much mayo dude. … I love your effort…but….”

Warner’s communications director later said in a tweet that the senator “wants you to know that he **intentionally** didn’t drain the tuna ‘because I didn’t want it to be too dry.’”