
Gerald Ford Foundation urges ‘dignified’ presidential transition

The Gerald Ford Presidential Foundation called for a “dignified” presidential transition after mobs of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol last week seeking to overturn the presidential election.

“Those who attacked our Capitol and did violence to fellow Americans need to be fully accountable to the law,” the foundation said in a statement Wednesday. “We mourn the loss of life and pray for those who were injured. We are dismayed by the harm done to our democracy and by the damage done to our Capitol building.”

At least five people died as a result of the riots Jan. 6, including a Capitol police officer.

The organization’s statement goes on to cite Ford’s own transition to the presidency after President Richard Nixon’s 1974 resignation.

“Almost three years later, President Ford (a Republican) found himself in a close race with then-Governor Jimmy Carter (a Democrat). Once the votes indicated that Carter had won, our 38th President accepted the result with grace and humility,” the statement reads. “Both leaders insisted on a dignified transfer of power. Their spirit of bipartisan comity remains a high point among modern presidential transitions. Indeed, they helped bring about much-needed healing to our nation. We hope for similar healing in the days ahead.”

President Trump in a brief statement last week acknowledged the incoming Biden administration, but has said he will not attend the inauguration next week. Vice President Pence is set to attend, as are former presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush. Trump will be the first president since Andrew Johnson not to attend the ceremony for his successor.