
Icelandic volcano eruption draws crowds on peninsula

The eruption of an Icelandic volcano that had not exploded in 800 years drew crowds to the Reykjanes Peninsula starting Friday. 

People traveled to southwestern Iceland eager to see lava flows at the volcano that is 1.5 miles from the nearest road, The Associated Press. The eruption first started on Friday after tens of thousands of earthquakes struck the area over three weeks.

Civil protection officials from Iceland on Tuesday directed several people away from the lava for their safety, including a person who attempted to cook bacon and eggs in the lava but ended up with a melted pan. 

The volcano’s lava was visible from the capital Reykjavik, which is about 20 miles from it. Icelandic officials said they did not expect evacuations, according to the AP. 

Italian photographer Vincenzo Mazza told the AP that the eruption was “absolutely different” from ones he had seen in Italy. 

“I can’t say ‘this is more beautiful than that’ because they are very different, but this lava glowing just so close to us, it’s insane,” Mazza said.