
George P. Bush says 2020 election wasn’t stolen

Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush (R), said he would support former President Trump in a 2024 presidential run, but pushed back on the former president’s claims that the election was stolen.

I think there was fraud and irregularity, I just don’t think it was in a sum that would have overturned the election result,” the son of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) told Texas Tribune reporter Evan Smith.

Trump has been peddling election fraud conspiracy theory claims ever since he lost the 2020 election, despite multiple court cases where his claims were refuted. Attorney General William Barr, who served under Trump, and a host of GOP officials have said widespread fraud did not lead to President Biden’s victory.

Trump has neither confirmed nor denied a run for the presidency in the next election cycle. 

Bush also recently backed the GOP’s decision to oust Rep. Liz Cheney (R) from her leadership position in the House for her pushback against Trump’s election fraud conspiracy claims.

During the interview, Bush indicated he is considering a run for attorney general in Texas.

“I have shared with the public I am taking a very serious look at a run for attorney general but I also wanted to provide deference to those in the legislative halls of this session and make that announcement after they have completed their work,” Bush said.

George P. Bush is the son of Jeb Bush, the former Florida governor defeated by Trump in the 2016 GOP presidential primary. Trump famously mocked Jeb Bush, who had been seen as the front-runner for the GOP nomination that cycle, for being low energy.