
7 in 10 report facing shipment delays or product unavailability in past two months: poll

Seven in 10 Americans in a Gallup poll released Wednesday say that have experienced either a shipment delay or product unavailability in the past two months.

Sixty percent of those surveyed said they have experienced an inability to get a product due to shortages, while 57 percent said they have experienced “significant delays” in receiving products they ordered.

Altogether, 71 percent of respondents said they experienced at least one of these issues, while 46 percent said they experienced both.

The poll also found that 83 percent of adults have reported experiencing “significant price increases” in the past two months.

Shipment delays and shortages were both byproducts of disruptions to manufacturing, shipping and labor supply as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

The survey found similar percentages of Americans in all four regions of the U.S. reported experiencing each of the three supply chain challenges.

The survey found that wealthier adults — those that earn $90,000 a year or more — were more likely to report shipment delays, with 63 percent saying they’ve experienced a shipment delay.

Fifty-five percent of adults polled who make between $36,000 to $89,999 reported experiencing a shipment delay, and 58 percent of respondents making under $36,000 a year said the same.

However, wealthier adults were not more likely to report being unable to receive a product due to a shortage, and were not more likely to notice a price increase.

Gallup surveyed 3,475 adults between July 19-26. The survey has a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.