
Another poll shows VA GOV primary closing

The newest SurveyUSA poll on Virginia’s governor’s race confirms what some other polls have found: the race is closing with less than a week to go.

It still shows former Democratic National Commmittee (DNC) Chairman Terry McAuliffe with a statistically significant lead, but his lead in Tuesday’s primary is shrinking.

A Public Policy Polling (PPP) survey this week showed the three candidates effectively tied, with state Sen. Creigh Deeds coming out on top for the first time. A poll from former state Del. Brian Moran’s campaign, meanwhile, showed Moran leading within the margin of error.

The SurveyUSA poll has the man who has led every other recent poll – McAuliffe – back out in front at 35 percent. Deeds follows at 29 percent, while Moran pulls 26 percent. Only 11 percent of voters are undecided.

Two weeks ago, McAuliffe had a double-digit lead in the poll, meaning the movement tracks with PPP, which have also shown the race closing – albeit more drastically.

The electorate for this race is really hard to judge, but it sure looks like we have a race on our hands. McAuliffe isn’t running away with anything.