
VIDEO: DNC knocks GOP as party of the past

The Democratic National Committee is up with a new web ad that hits on a now familiar line of attack: The GOP is stuck in the past.

After a drum roll, “Meet the New GOP Sunday Show Guests” appears in front of red curtains. The ad then shows former Vice President Dick Cheney, 2008 GOP presidential nominee John McCain (Ariz.) and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s (Ga.) appearances on Sunday shows yesterday.

The ad is a continuation of a strategy the DNC debuted at the end of April. In a web ad released then, the DNC used the same red curtains and highlights Gingrich, Cheney and Karl Rove. It concludes by stating, “Meet the New GOP, Same as the Old GOP.”

The ads are an attempt by Democrats to brand the GOP as the party of Cheney, Rove and Gingrich and to stall any attempt by Republicans to move forward past the last eight years and develop new leaders.

Is the ad successfully getting some free air time? I just saw it on MSNBC.