
Report: Maloney saying she’ll challenge Gillibrand

Crain’s says Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) is telling labor leaders that she will run against appointed Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) in a primary.

The publication doesn’t offer any elaboration on that point, instead just using it to get into a discussion that throws doubt on the premise that labor would back Maloney in the matchup:

Maloney sponsored the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, named for a detective who died of lung disease after working hundreds of hours at Ground Zero.

But a sampling of opinions from labor organizations and political consulting shops suggests that while union backing is still broadly undecided in the prospective contest, of the two, Gillibrand is better equipped to secure it and is moving more quickly to do so.

“Gillibrand has been working overtime to reach out,” one labor leader says. “Maloney has been less active.”

Says another, “Right now it’s a toss-up, but my money is on Gillibrand over time. She is smarter, better staffed, and a more complete package. There’s way more upside to her.”

Aaron Blake