
Crist appears in WaPo advertising section

Here’s a way to make sure your name stays in front of D.C. insiders: pen an essay that will appear on the front page of a special advertising section in the middle of the Washington Post.

That’s exactly what Florida Governor and possible Senate candidate Charlie Crist did Monday. Crist, a Republican, wrote in the “Environmental Leadership” advertising supplement in the Post about what cities and states can do to lead the fight against global warming.

The move is another example of Crist’s keen PR sense. Crist made waves a couple months ago when he endorsed President Obama’s economic stimulus package and appeared with him at a Florida townhall.

The move caused some observers to speculate that Crist could face a backlash from conservatives from the state. That backlash definitely isn’t evident in recent polling that shows Crist to be overwhelmingly popular and he likely has his pick of running for retiring Sen. Mel Martinez’s (R) seat or seeking reelection as governor.