
Hoekstra makes it official

Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-Mich.) made his much anticipated announcement that he will run for governor next year on Monday.

“We need to begin the process of rebuilding a strong Michigan,” said Hoekstra, at a press conference, according to the Detroit Free Press. “We will create new opportunities to not only keep our family members, friends, neighbors and our great businesses here at home in Michigan, but attract new companies and residents to our great state.”

Hoesktra joins a slew of candidates either already running or considering the race. Republicans include: state Sen. Tom George of Texas Township, Attorney General Mike Cox, Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land, Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson and Dominoes CEO David Brandon.

And Democrats include: Lt. Gov. John Cherry, Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano, former Michigan State University football coach George Perles, former Flint Mayor Don Williamson, and Speaker of the House Andy Dillon.

Current Gov. Jennifer Granholm (D) is term limited.