
Club for Growth endorses in race for Fallin’s seat

Another sign that campaigns these days are moving in hyper speed: The Club for Growth endorsed a candidate in the 2010 race for Rep. Mary Fallin’s (R-Okla.) seat on Wednesday. Fallin just announced she is running for governor last weekend.

The PAC of the conservative Club for Growth is backing state Rep. Kevin Calvey in the race for Fallin’s 5th Congressional District seat. Calvey has yet to formally announce his candidacy, but is expected to do so soon.

“As a member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1998 to 2006, Calvey proved himself to be a genuine fiscal conservative,” the PAC said in a statement. “He sponsored a bill to cut Oklahomas income tax, and he was one of only five legislators to vote against a pork spending bill in 2004.”

In addition to Calvey, Oklahoma Mayor Mick Cornett (R) and Dr. Johnny Roy (R) and state Rep. Mike Thompson (R) are considering the race. Fallin beat Cornett in the 2006 GOP primary for the heavily Republican district.