
Franken Wants ‘Forensic Search’ for Ballots

Democrat Al Franken’s campaign called Thursday for Minnesota officials to engage in a “systematic, forensic search” for 133 ballots missing in a Minneapolis precinct favoring the Democrat.

The Franken campaign made the request while maintaining it has a 10-vote lead over incumbent Sen. Norm Coleman (R) in the recount.

“We are calling upon the Secretary of State, Hennepin County, and the City of Minneapolis to complete an intensive search,” said Franken attorney Marc Elias in a conference call, addressing reports that 133 votes have gone missing in a Minneapolis’s Third Ward. Elias said every person who touched or transported the ballots should be interviewed, and any polling place, vehicles, or warehouses that have held the ballots should be searched.

The ballots are said to favor Franken by 46 votes.

“The outcome of this election may be at stake,” Elias said. “The integrity of the Minnesota electoral process is also at stake.”