
Beau Biden Says He Won’t Take Father’s Seat

Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, son of Vice President-elect Joe Biden, said he would not accept his father’s Senate seat if it was offered to him, reports the Associated Press.

Biden, in a statement, said that he will fulfill his Delaware National Guard duties instead. His unit is about to be deployed to Iraq.

“I want to thank the people of Delaware for the honor of serving as their attorney general and express my appreciation for their understanding as I fulfill my military obligations,” Biden said.

His father must resign his seat before he is sworn in as vice president next month. The state’s governor will appoint a successor, who will be up for reelection in 2010. If Joe Biden resigns before Jan. 20, outgoing Gov. Ruth Ann Minner (D) will make the appointment. If Biden waits until that day to resign his seat, Gov.-elect Jack Markell (D) will make the selection, since Markell will also be sworn in Jan. 20.