
Obama, Biden to Meet with Economic Advisers Friday

President-elect Barack Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden will meet Friday with economic advisers guiding their transition into the White House, Obama’s presidential campaign announced today.

Obama’s Transition Economic Advisory Board, as listed by the campaign, is comprised of CEOs, elected officials, and former administration officials.

Continuing the trend set by the announcement of Obama’s transition staff, the list is stacked with former Clinton officials–five out of seven former executive branch officials worked under President Bill Clinton. (Former Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman William Donaldson headed the SEC during President Bush’s tenure, from 2003 to 2005; former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Vlocker held his post under Presidents Carter and Reagan, from 1979 to 1987).

Here’s the list of advisers on the Transition Economic Advisory Board, as listed by Obama’s campaign: