
Poll: McCain Only Favored By Four Countries

Barack Obama’s father’s homeland of Kenya tops a list of the top 10 most enthusiastic foreign nations supporting the Democrat for president, while only four of McCain’s top 10 most enthusiastic supporters actually support him.

According to a poll conducted by Gallup for Foreign Policy, McCain only maintains a positive margin in four of the 10 countries the poll lists as most favorable to him. McCain is ahead by8 percentage points in Georgia, attacks on which by Russia the Republican candidate strongly condemned, as well as in the Philippines. Cambodia and Laos marginally support McCain, while the Arizona senator ties Obama in Lithuania and Pakistan.

Obama leads by 86 percentage points in Kenya, the country from which his father hailed. Other African countries Uganda and Ethiopia, both of which border Kenya, are Obama’s second and third most enthusiastic supporters, respectively. Obama also maintains a 60 percent margin over McCain in France.

South Korea, the United Kingdom, and France were the most adamant that the election would affect their country, according to the poll. Palestine, Estonia, and Kuwait topped the list of populations that said the election would not make a difference to them.

Michael O’Brien