
Plouffe: Fox News Has Become 24-Hour ACORN Channel

Barack Obama Campaign Manager David Plouffe thinks Fox News is spending too much time covering the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), the group that has seen wide criticism from conservatives in the past few weeks over its voter registration activities.

“Fox News has turned itself into the 24-hour ACORN channel,” Plouffe said on a conference call with reporters this afternoon.

ACORN has become a favorite topic for conservative media outlets recently after it turned in thousands of faulty voter registration cards across at least ten states, as part of its recent national voter registration drive. Law enforcement officials raided ACORN’s Las Vegas office last week.

The group, which seeks to organize low- and middle-income individuals for voter registration and community advocacy, has always been at odds with conservatives.

John McCain’s campaign began using the group to attack Barack Obama last week, releasing a web ad that alleged Obama had shady ties to the group in his early days of community organizing.