
Knollenberg Camp Hits DCCC Poll Showing Peters Ahead

A poll released by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) Tuesday showed Democrat Gary Peters leading incumbent Rep. Joe Knollenberg (R-Mich.), but not without drawing extensive criticism from the Knollenberg campaign, which called the month-old survey a “push poll.”

The poll, conducted August 17-19 by Grove Insight, had Peters at 41 percent and Knollenberg at 37 percent, within the survey’s 4.9 percent margin of error. Independent and convicted euthanasiast Jack Kevorkian drew eight percent, and 14 percent said they were undecided.

The Knollenberg campaign pushed back hard against the poll Tuesday, pointing out that it is over a month old and that an independent poll conducted by the Detroit News a week later showed the eight-term Republican congressman leading Peters by seven percent.

“Gary Peters and the DCCC released a poll that says Peters is ahead,” said Knollenberg campaign manager Mike Brownfield. “In other news, pigs have sprouted wings and started flying.”

Brownfield called the DCCC poll a push poll, and said its release was an obvious sign that Peters is losing.

“This DCCC poll clearly shows that Gary Peters’ message of change and unprecedented grass roots support has really struck a chord and his momemtum continues to build,” countered DCCC spokesman Ryan Rudominer. “Joe Knollenberg will do or say anything to stay in his undervalued property in Washington, but no amount of delusional spin from his campaign will cover up the voters demand for change.”

Democrats pointed to Peters’s work in the race since those polls, including going on-air with television ads since August 25, and waging an extensive ground campaign.

Michael O’Brien