
Planned Parenthood Hits McCain over ‘Education’ Ad

Planned Parenthood is attacking John McCain over an ad the Arizona senator’s campaign put out hitting Barack Obama for supporting the teaching of “comprehensive sex education to kindergarten.”

“Every 8 minutes a child is sexually abused,” the ad says. “That’s why Barack Obama supported legislation to teach children how to protect themselves. Doesn’t John McCain want our children to protect themselves from sex offenders? Or after 26 years in Washington, is he just another politician who will say anything to get elected?”

McCain’s ad had accused Obama of accomplishing no education-related goals other than promoting sex education for 5-year olds.

“Learning about sex before learning to read?” McCain’s ad said. “Barack Obama. Wrong on education. Wrong for your family.”

The Obama camp instantly fought back, saying that McCain had taken his words out of context, and that he supported legislation designed to warn young children about sexual predators.

– Katie Stapleton-Paff