
Biden: Some statements about Sotomayor ‘ridiculous’

Vice President Biden called some of the criticism about Judge Sonia Sotomayor’s background “ridiculous” at a White House event with law enforcement groups and officials to support her Supreme Court nomination.

“You know, it’s good to see all of you here, the vast majority of the major law enforcement groups in this country helping us bring that record to light,” Biden told the crowd. “All of you here, your support for what we’re doing, I believe, is going to go a long way to putting to rest some of the ridiculous statements made about the judge and put into perspective what a remarkable woman she will be, a remarkable judge she will be on the Supreme Court.”

Among those in attendance were the legendary New York District Attorney Robert Morgenthau, Miami Police Chief John Timoney, and the director of the National District Attorneys Association.

Biden’s statement represent a somewhat rare, official acknowledgement of some conservatives’ criticism of Sotomayor’s background. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh have been among those to prominently question Sotomayor’s views on race and gender, and how they influence her professional work.

“I just want to say to all the law enforcement organizations represented and that I referenced here today, I truly appreciate you having the moxie to stand up in the face of this stuff and say, look, this woman is the real deal,” Biden said.