While some conservative opinion leaders dined with President-elect Obama yesterday, another spent some quality time on Tuesday with the current president.
Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh said during his radio show Wednesday that he joined President Bush and White House advisor Ed Gillespie for lunch in the president’s private dining room yesterday, in celebration of Limbaugh’s birthday.
The president, Gillespie, and the White House stewards sang Limbaugh “happy birthday,” the host said.
Limbaugh said he ordered some salmon, along with french fries with ranch dressing–in which Limbaugh accidentally dipped his napkin. The president razzed Limbaugh about the faux pas, saying he host would ruin his suit.
While the lunch was off the record, Limbaugh reported that Gillespie had a “large” salad while Bush dined on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich–with “red” jelly, at the president’s insistence.
Conservative New York Times columnists David Brooks and William Kristol, along with other right-wing opinion leaders dined with President-elect Obama at the home of Washington Post columnist George Will last night.