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Obama cabinet reach out to auto cities next week

The Obama administration cabinet will span across the Midwest all next week in an effort to reach out to communities affected by the downturn in the auto industry.

Eight cabinet secretaries will join three high-ranking officials and Auto Recovery and Workers Director Ed Montgomery in a tour of sites in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Wisconsin as General Motors prepares what may be the largest industrial bankruptcy in American history.

“At each event, they will discuss immediate ways the federal government is cutting through red tape to bring relief to auto communities and achieve long-term economic revitalization for our communities that depend on the auto and manufacturing industry,” the White House said in an email announcing the visits.

The appearances by the cabinet members signal a more aggressive tack than the trips Montgomery has already made in scattered Midwest cities. The four states are also ones that President Obama won in last fall’s presidential election, though by varying margins.

While GM has reportedly struck agreements with some bondholders this afternoon, the company is expected to announce it will file for bankruptcy by its restructuring deadline at the end of this month.

The officials making visits all of next week are: Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke, Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan, Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson, Small Business Administrator Karen Mills, Associate Attorney General Tom Perrelli, Dr. Ed Montgomery, the President’s Director of Auto Recovery and Workers.

View the schedule of the visits after the jump:

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis
Romulus, Michigan
Ypsilanti, Michigan
Toledo, Ohio

Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke
Dayton, Ohio with SBA Administrator Mills

Small Business Administrator Karen Mills
Columbus, Ohio
Dayton, Ohio with Secretary Locke

Secretary of Energy Steven Chu
Fort Wayne, Indiana

Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar
Cuyahoga Valley National Park
Cleveland, Ohio

Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack
Indianapolis, Indiana
Terra Haute, Indiana

Associate Attorney General Tom Perrelli

Dr. Ed Montgomery, President Obama’s Director of Recovery for Auto Communities and Workers
Romulus, Michigan with Secretary Solis
Ypsilanti, Michigan with Secretary Solis

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke
Lansing, Michigan

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson
Columbus, Ohio
Cincinnati, Ohio

Dr. Ed Montgomery, President Obama’s Director of Recovery for Auto Communities and Workers

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Secretary of Education Arne Duncan
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan
Indianapolis, Indiana

Friday, June 5, 2009

Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood
Racine County, Wisconsin

Tags Bankruptcy Candidate Position Company Reorganization Ed Montgomery Employment Relation Executive Office of the President of the United States Gary Locke Government Hilda Solis Ken Salazar Obama Person Career Politics Politics of the United States Presidency of Barack Obama Presidential transition of Barack Obama Ray LaHood State governments of the United States Tom Vilsack Voting Result White House Office

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