News/Lawmaker News

Ryan accuses Obama of doublespeak on healthcare

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) welcomed President Obama to his home state, but said the president is selling Americans a false bill of goods on healthcare.

“I think it’s great. I love the fact that the president comes to Wisconsin,” Ryan said in a conference call to respond to the president’s town hall meeting Thursday We were pretty upset about Brett Favre, so we needed something in Green Bay.”

But the GOP lawmaker accused the president of making false promises on healthcare reform.

“The American people are being sold a bill of goods where they think this is going to solve all their problems, but they’re going to wake up in a few years and find that wasn’t the case,” he told reporters on the call, which was organized by the Republican National Committee (RNC).

“When you take a look at what the president is saying and what he’s proposing, they’re two different things,” Ryan, the ranking member of the House Budget Committee, said.