News/Lawmaker News

Baucus: ‘I Remain Convinced” Daschle Would be Good

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) pledged Monday that his committee would fully vet former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle’s (D-S.D.) nomination to become Health and Human Services Secretary, but indicated that Daschle’s nomination is still on-track.

“I have applauded Senator Daschle’s nomination to the post of HHS Secretary, and my faith in his dedication and qualifications has only been bolstered in recent weeks by our numerous conversations about the pressing need for comprehensive health care reform,” Baucus said. “The ability to advance meaningful health reform is my top priority in confirming a Secretary of Health and Human Services, and I remain convinced that Senator Daschle would be an invaluable and expert partner in this effort.”

Daschle, whose nomination has hit a snag since it was revealed he failed to pay over $100,000 in taxes, wrote Baucus and Finance Committee Ranking Member Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) apologizing for the oversight.

Baucus said that the committee would engage in a vigorous vetting process, and will meet this afternoon to discuss their investigation into Daschle. The chairman added that a preliminary report on the issue would be made available on Friday.