News/Lawmaker News

House GOP Says They Will ‘Negotiate Seriously’

Republicans are going into negotiations with Democrats over a bailout package with every intention of reaching a deal, House Minority Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) said Friday.

“We’re going to negotiate seriously,” Blunt told reporters before a vote. Blunt was appointed the principal representative for House Republicans in negotiations over legislation providing assistance to the U.S. financial industry.

“We need to act quickly an protect the American taxpayer first and foremost,” said House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio), who said that the American economy is “on the edge of an economic crisis.”

Boehner said the House Republicans’ demands shouldn’t have come as a surprise to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, and President George Bush.

Democrats have the votes to pass the legislation, Blunt alleged, but said they would have to negotiate with the House GOP if they wanted Republican support. “If they want to do this by themselves, they can do this by themselves any minute they want to,” Blunt said. “If they want to do it with us, we’re eager to negotiate.”

Michael O’Brien