News/Lawmaker News/Foreign Policy

Clinton: ‘My husband is not secretary of state, I am’

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reportedly became annoyed after an audience member at a town hall in Congo asked her what her husband thought about an international relations issue.

“My husband is not secretary of state, I am,” the AP reported an “obviously annoyed” Clinton said. “If you want my opinion, I will tell you my opinion. I am not going to be channeling my husband.”

A male Congolese student asked her what “Mr. Clinton” thought of World Bank concerns about a multi-billion-dollar Chinese loan offer to the Congo.

“You want me to tell you what my husband thinks?” the AP said she “incredulously” replied.

Before Secretary of State Clinton traveled to Africa, former President Bill Clinton traveled to North Korea on what the White House described as a “private humanitarian mission” to secure the release of two captive American journalists.