
Iraqi Parliament Approves Withdrawal Pact

Iraq’s parliament

The text of the agreement is now public and can be found here at the White House website.

The parliament also approved a Strategic Framework Agreement that outlines principles of cooperation between the U.S. and Iraq beyond the 2011 withdrawal. That agreement also awaits ratification by the presidential council.

President George Bush hailed the pact as a sign that Iraq has made great security gains since 2006.

“Two years ago, this day seemed unlikely — but the success of the surge and the courage of the Iraqi people set the conditions for these two agreements to be negotiated and approved by the Iraqi parliament. The improved conditions on the ground and the parliamentary approval of these two agreements serve as a testament to the Iraqi, Coalition, and American men and women, both military and civilian, who paved the way for this day,” Bush said.

“As the two agreements move to Iraq’s Presidency Council for final approval, we congratulate the members of the Council of Representatives for coming together to approve these historic agreements that will serve the shared and enduring interests of both our countries and the region,” the president added.