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Johnson’s hacking bill is a step in the wrong direction

Rep. Hank Johnson’s bill aimed at preventing the hacking of voting machines would designate voting technology as critical infrastructure, allowing the Department of Homeland Security to directly oversee and standardize measures from voting machine testing to audit procedures.

Once again, the answer from my opponent is bigger government. The last thing that the federal government needs is more control, especially in the technology field. Billions of tax payer’s dollars spent on a healthcare website which did not and still does not work efficiently and was not and is not secure. We should take the power from the states to handle state elections and hand over voting technology to the federal government? This is coming from a member of a party with a notorious history of voter fraud “vote early and vote often” Democrats.

{mosads}Furthermore, the DHS has zero experience in voting systems and implementation. All this would lead to is more government agencies, more government bureaucrats and more centralized control over States and the American people in particular our most powerful freedom that keeps the government accountable TO the people, voting. This is contrary to what our Constitution calls for in this great Nation. I can provide Rep. Johnson a copy of the constitution and help him understand its content. History is full of examples of what big over reaching central government control can lead to, which is always bad news for its citizens.

Voting should be in the hands of the Local governments and overseen by the individual States. States can mandate technology security and should continue to maintain voter integrity including voter ID, security of the election results, and maintain the utmost privacy and security of voting information. The issue with the voter registration information being released in Georgia, Rep. Johnson once more “misspoke” as that was a clerical error in the Georgia SoS’s office. I stand with Brian Kemp, Georgia, and all State Secretary of States to remain in control and accountability of his or her state’s elections.

We are Americans, don’t tell me we cannot secure this technology, we just need to turn to the private sector and leave it up to the states. The American people will answer the call. I agree with the Founding Fathers by putting trust in the People and States rather than a centralized group of bureaucrats in Washington. We are better than this, We are Americans.

Victor Armendariz is a congressional candidate for the 4th District of Georgia. 


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