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An educational reform Republican candidates should support

If any of the Republican White House hopefuls are drafting an education platform, they might find inspiration in a groundbreaking law that just passed in Nevada. On June 2, Gov. Brian Sandoval (R) signed into law the fifth “Education Savings Account” program in the nation—a powerful reform that could revolutionize the state’s school system for better. 

These programs give families the educational freedom that so many desperately seek. ESAs allow parents to remove their children from a school district, typically taking 90 percent of the cost of their child’s schooling with them. They can then spend that money on an educational program that best fits their child’s needs—whether that’s private school, homeschooling materials, online education, or something else that works best for them. 

{mosads}Yet despite their obvious benefits, the number of states with ESA laws can be counted on one hand. And the other four programs aren’t nearly as robust as Nevada’s. Arizona’s ESA program is comparatively small, although it extends to more students every year. In Florida, Mississippi, and Tennessee, meanwhile, only students with special needs can avail themselves of ESAs and the opportunities they bring. 

half-dozen other states have debated this issue in recent months, but reform-minded legislators keep running into the usual enemy: The entrenched interests that run public schools. 

That’s why this issue needs a national champion—not just state ones—to give it the attention it deserves. ESAs should be a central part of the national debate on education policy, and the growing number of Republican presidential candidates should make that happen. The GOP is the traditional champion of school-choice reforms, and Education Savings Accounts are one of the best reforms out there. As a national policy, they would do profound and incalculable good for families across the country. 

There are three main reasons why Republican candidates should support a national ESA program. 


ESA’s give all Americans—not just those who can afford to buy a home in a good school district or pay private-school tuition—an equal opportunity to climb the ladder of opportunity. They give people the freedom to escape failing schools and to get an education that will prepare them for today’s high-stakes global economy. This is especially necessary for America’s low-income citizens, who are too often denied access to the best teachers, the best schools, and the best shot at a better life. 


Americans believe in the inherent right of parents to make the best choices for their children with as little interference from the government as possible. Now that families in Nevada have the freedom to make education choices for themselves, families all over America have a legitimate reason to ask—why can’t my children have the same freedom and opportunity?  


Nearly every poll shows that a clear majority of Americans support school choice, regardless of political persuasion, economic class, or race. Democratic pollster Deborah Beck said it best when announcing the results of her January 2015 poll showing 70 percent support for education reform that empowers families. In her words: “The poll clearly shows widespread support, among both political parties, for school choice.  Any public official—or potential candidate for President—who ignores these numbers does so at their own peril.” 

The numerous Republican White House hopefuls would do well to heed this advice. Sound school choice reforms have the potential to help millions of Americans—especially low-income families. Education Savings Accounts are one of the easiest ways to accomplish that goal. 

As Americans, we believe that personal freedom and individual choice are central to our country’s identity and our own success. Anyone who wants to sit in the Oval Office should remember that as they develop their education platform. Will they stand with families and freedom, or with the status quo

Delk is an Atlanta lawyer and long-time advocate for parental choice in education.


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