The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill

Revised FISA Bill Balances Rights and Security (House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer)

Democrats know that our highest duty is to defend this nation and protect our citizens. But we also know that we can keep this nation safe while ensuring that our government abides by the principles upon which it was founded, including the protection of individuals’ rights.

The new FISA bill gives our intelligence community the tools it needs to listen in on those who seek to harm us, while protecting Americans’ basic civil rights. It addresses concerns that the so-called “Protect America Act

The new FISA bill will modernize the original 1978 Act by addressing the intelligence gap asserted by the DNI:

It includes strong new audit and reporting requirements, so that Congress can stay abreast of whose conversations – including how many Americans’ – are being captured under this program. Finally, the bill will likely include a sunset, so that our next President and our next Congress can revisit this issue – which is clearly important given the significance of this program to our security, as well as its potential affect on basic civil rights.

Regarding immunity, it would be irresponsible for Congress to blindly give retroactive immunity – the President needs to provide Congress with the information we need in order to determine that immunity is appropriate.