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Stem Cell Victory

It is clear that a majority of the House, just like a majority of Americans, back potentially life-saving stem cell research. Most importantly, this legislation would establish an ethical construct to oversee stem cell research by ensuring embryos were created solely for the purpose of fertility treatment, were in excess of clinical need and were going to be discarded anyways.  We also included in the legislation strong protections to ensure no money could exchange hands. The decision to discard the embryo, which will be used for the research, will already have been made and only then can a couple donate an embryo for research.  Prior to that decision, all other options are open to them, including embryo adoption.

Through a vigorous debate, we also brought truth to the false claims put forth by our opponents and we continued to educate all of America about how this research may help those one in three Americans suffering from diseases like cancer, juvenile diabetes, Parkinson’s and Alzheimers.

I just hope that this legislation does not end up being vetoed — yet again — by President Bush.  My goal has always been to advance scientific research — in all areas of stem cell science — in this country.  We never know where the cures and treatments are going to come from and one cell type is not a replacement for another.

We owe it to the millions of Americans suffering throughout the country.  It is my hope that in the end we will be able to craft a final piece of legislation that is acceptable to advancing science and at the same time addresses the concerns of the Bush Administration. I am not sure that can happen, but I am committed to seeing if it can.