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FCC comes in from the cold

On Tuesday, a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee will hold an oversight hearing to assess the Federal Communications Commission’s adherence to what Chairman Greg Walden (R-Ore.) calls “the highest standards of transparency and accountability.”

The agency’s five commissioners will be asked about progress on long-running (and repeatedly delayed) proceedings including the voluntary incentive auction for broadcast TV spectrum, reform of the FCC’s byzantine rules for video programmers, and long-promised process improvements aimed at making the agency more efficient.

{mosads}As important as these topics are, however, there is a much more urgent matter for the Committee to address.  It is simply this:  The FCC has gone rogue.  The agency has lost sight of its core mission to improve communications on behalf of American consumers. Instead, its resources have increasingly been misdirected to tilt at the windmills of lobbyists and political operatives backed by favored industry participants.   

Consider just a few of the agency’s most consumer-unfriendly decisions of the past year:

These and other dalliances are landing the agency in more awkward efforts to defend their actions in court, where even the Department of Justice can’t find a legal basis to support them

But more to the point, the special interests now directing the FCC have usurped the agency’s resources, keeping them from completing critical proceedings that would benefit consumers over favored businesses. 

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler came in promising to promote competition as the best way to regulate a communications industry transformed by better and cheaper technologies built on the Internet.  But the agency is increasingly doing the opposite—micromanaging dying technologies that should be retired as quickly as possible, picking and choosing winners in specific markets, and falling victim to industry clients who play the regulatory process like a Stradivarius.

There’s a better way.  Writing in 1999, a prescient observer recognized that the Internet revolution would “continue to erode the traditional regulatory distinctions between different sectors of the communications industry,” generating new kinds of competition that would, if left to develop naturally, create win-win benefits for both consumers and industry.

That sage advice came from none other than Bill Kennard, then chairman of the FCC.  Kennard, who helmed the agency during the critical last years of the Clinton administration, saw the Internet evolve into a potent engine of disruptive innovation.  To promote new forms of competition rather than the interests of favored incumbents, Kennard wrote, the FCC needed a new strategy, one that “wisely manage[d] the transition from an industry regulator to a market facilitator.”

That isn’t happening.  Members of the House oversight hearing would do well to adopt Kennard’s fact-based pragmatism, and get the FCC back on track before any more damage is done.

Downes is project director at the Georgetown Center for Business and Public Policy, and co-author, most recently, of “Big Bang Disruption:  Strategy in the Age of Devastating Innovation” (2014).