
Boxer blasts House’s ‘ugly attack’ on immigrants

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) condemned House Republicans for their votes “against family values.”

On Friday night, House Republicans voted for a $694 million border package, which included reforms to a 2008 human trafficking law to expedite the deportation of thousands of immigrant children from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.

{mosads}“Republicans say they have family values, but on the way to their summer break, they also took a stand against family values,” Boxer said on Saturday. “This was a disgraceful day in the House of Representatives — a day that will go down as an ugly attack on Latino immigrants.”

The House also voted for a measure that would prevent the Obama administration from expanding the Deferred Action for Child Arrivals program. The program provides two-year work permits for undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States by their parents before 2007 — a group also known as “Dreamers.”

“I am stunned that the Republican House has turned its back on fairness, compassion and common sense in its partisan vote to go after Latino young adults, most of whom have grown up in America and remember no other country as their home,” Boxer said. “It’s sad, it’s ugly, and it’s wrong.”

Despite the House passing the measures before Congress left town for the five-week August recess, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said there isn’t support in the Senate to pass the House bills.