In The Know

First lady listens to students discuss online civility

First lady Melania Trump on Thursday listened to students discuss the importance of online civility at Microsoft’s Washington, D.C., office.

The meeting with the 15 students was part of her Be Best Campaign, which encourages children to be kind on social media.

The students had provided Microsoft with feedback about online safety and responsibility, and on Thursday told Trump about their work with the company’s Council for Digital Good. 

“To see students taking action and being positive leaders in the digital world for youth is exactly what Be Best is focused on,” Trump said in a statement about the event.  “Peer-to-peer leadership can be one of the strongest influences on our children.” 

“Using their artistic talents, these students provide unique perspectives on how youth should conduct themselves responsibly online,” Trump continued, thanking Microsoft for hosting her.


Trump’s Be Best campaign, which was unveiled this year, has been met with mixed reactions.

Though some laud Trump’s efforts, others say it is ironic that President Trump’s wife is educating children about online conduct, considering the U.S. president is known for insulting and attacking his opponents on Twitter. 

Trump’s inflammatory Twitter account has become a regular component of the administration’s activities, with Trump daily tweeting insults, including about the media, his critics and Democrats. 

The New York Times in January compiled a list of 487 people, places and things President Trump has insulted on Twitter

Some of Trump’s supporters have harassed the president’s targets on social media, causing several prominent media figures to leave the platform