In The Know

JFK’s grandson calls RFK Jr.’s White House bid ‘an embarrassment,’ endorses Biden

The grandson of former President John F. Kennedy is ripping Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s 2024 White House bid and throwing his support behind President Biden.

“President John F. Kennedy is my grandfather. And his legacy is important,” Jack Schlossberg, the 30-year-old son of U.S. Ambassador to Australia Caroline Kennedy, said in a video posted Friday on Instagram.

“It’s about a lot more than Camelot and conspiracy theories. It’s about public service and courage,” Schlossberg continued.

Endorsing Biden’s reelection campaign, he said the 46th president “shares my grandfather’s vision for America: That we do things not because they are easy, but because they are hard.”

“He is in the middle of becoming the greatest progressive president we’ve ever had,” he said, citing unemployment and jobs figures, infrastructure and green energy investments and the appointment of federal judges.

“He ended the COVID pandemic and he ended Donald Trump,” Schlossberg added before blasting his cousin Kennedy’s campaign for the Democratic nomination.

“These are the issues that matter. And if my cousin, Bobby Kennedy Jr., cared about any of them, he would support Joe Biden, too,” Schlossberg said of his family member, an environmental lawyer and vaccine skeptic.

“Instead, he’s trading in on Camelot, celebrity conspiracy theories and conflict for personal gain and fame.”

“I’ve listened to him. I know him. I have no idea why anyone thinks he should be president,” said Schlossberg, who spoke alongside his mother at the virtual 2020 Democratic National Convention.

“What I do know is his candidacy is an embarrassment. Let’s not be distracted, again, by somebody’s vanity project,” Schlossberg said.

The Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School graduate is the latest member of the Kennedy clan to denounce the presidential run by the son of former Attorney General Robert Kennedy.

Earlier this week, Kennedy’s sister, Kerry Kennedy, publicly condemned her brother’s remarks on COVID-19 and ethnic targeting, calling them “deplorable and untruthful.”

Former Rep. Joe Kennedy III (D-Mass.) also spoke out about his 69-year-old uncle’s widely criticized comments after the New York Post obtained an audio recording of the White House hopeful saying COVID-19 could have been “ethnically targeted” to prevent the deaths of Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people.  

“My uncle’s comments were hurtful and wrong,” the former congressman said.