Civil Rights

Justice for Jena?

The mistreatment of the “Jena Six,” as they’re being called more and more frequently, is atrocious. However, it’s not horrible because of race, but because of injustice through a double standard. Where are we as a society when a district attorney can walk into a school and threaten a particular group of people regardless of their deeds? Does the name Nifong ring any bells?

Let’s hope that Reed Walters won’t take this case too far, and that he can admit to being caught up in the moment. It is never worth the cost of someone’s life for one’s self-advancement or pride, and hopefully Mr. Walters will remember that. It’s not about black and white; it’s about a double standard. How is it that these kids, who were angry and frustrated and unarmed, get charged with attempted murder when a man pointing a gun isn’t, and the white partygoers who attacked some blacks were only slapped with minor charges? And now these high school students are being tried as adults, for what?

The problem is that justice isn’t blind; it’s expensive, or even greedy. These days, if one isn’t able to afford a quality attorney, then that person must hope for a fair trial, yes, hope. If one can afford an expensive attorney then the expectation is for an unfair trial in the defendant’s favor. It’s great that there was a rally and marching, but how long will that last? What about the incidents that don’t make national headlines?

Someday, hopefully, our society will get back to looking at the facts, which won’t be more lenient toward the rich and famous, nor will they be prejudiced based on sensationalism, class or race. There’s no question that the Jena Six broke the law, but theirs was a minor infraction, and they were definitely incited by previous incidents. In the end, we just want justice, not a vendetta, to be served. There was guilt on both sides, and everyone involved should be treated equally keeping in mind that each side instigated the other.