
Trump’s intel chief must modernize the intelligence community

President-elect Trump’s nomination of former Indiana Sen. Dan Coats to serve as head of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence comes at a difficult time for the U.S. intelligence community, which currently faces four major challenges.

{mosads}First, the intelligence community is experiencing worsening relations with the incoming administration – as demonstrated by an unusually public and back-and-forth between the Trump transition and intelligence officials.


Second, the public has shown diminishing trust in the intelligence community following the Snowden affair, the failure to predict present turmoil in the Middle East, and most notably its inability to publicly prove Russia’s responsibility for the cyberattack against the Democratic Party. Trump’s aggressive attacks against the intelligence community have only fueled the fire. 

Third, tectonic geopolitical changes and major technological developments compel the intelligence community to reexamine (and potentially recalibrate) its perceptions, assumptions, structures, procedures and methodologies to make them more suitable to an unknown future. 

Finally, and probably most importantly, Trump’s grand strategy over the next few years will put great responsibility in the intelligence community’s hands. Regardless of whether Trump intends on reducing or minimizing U.S. involvement in global conflict, the U.S. will still need “eyes and ears” across the world in order to protect its national interests. That is exactly the intelligence community’s role.

The new director therefore faces great external and internal challenges. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence will presumably experience special scrutiny from decision-makers, politicians, the public and the intelligence community itself. Thirteen years after its establishment – following the 9/11 Commission’s identification of intelligence agencies’ failures to coordinate activities and share information – many people now question the necessity of the ODNI. Some claim that the office has become a resource-consuming behemoth that only adds bureaucratic complexities to an already-too-bureaucratic community. Many also believe that the office has become a political tool rather than a “steering committee” for the intelligence community.

In light of this turbulent environment, the new director should focus on the following:

The world is becoming more fluid in its capabilities, identities and actions, while its domains are becoming increasingly convergent. The only way to successfully respond to this new reality is to imitate it. As such, what the above items have in common is a redefining of traditional divisions between the intelligence community and the public and decision-makers alike – as well as within itself. 

This will be the new director’s first task upon taking office.

Shay Hershkovitz, Ph.D., is chief strategy officer at Wikistrat, Inc. and a political science professor at Tel Aviv University specializing in intelligence studies. He is also a former IDF intelligence officer whose book, “Aman Comes To Light,” deals with the history of the Israeli intelligence community.

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