Economy & Budget

Hey Big Spender! Obama Not Ready to Face Taxpayers

The most liberal senator in the United States Senate could not tell us what he would cut or trim in his massive spending proposal package in light of the financial crisis. That is frightening. As John McCain noted in tonight’s debate, it is pretty far to travel from the far left to be able to reach across party lines and work with Republicans to solve any issue, let alone a huge financial crisis.

Barack Obama is an eloquent speaker, but he is not very swift on his feet, as exhibited by his clumsy tap dance onstage tonight. When asked by Jim Leher what he would alter in his spending program if elected president, Obama was lost and seemed to be missing talking points on that key point.

For John McCain, the response was organic — cut spending and freeze spending increases except for military, veterans and other essentials the federal government is charged with. He’s been fighting that fight his entire political career and did not need a complete overhaul of his philosophy. It’s already there — it’s in his blood. Obama, on the other hand, would have to alter his basic leftist DNA to even be able to sputter the notion of being responsible with the money taxpayers send to Washington.

As analysts pick apart the 90-minute exchange, voters will zero in on that one significant and far-reaching difference between the foundation of how each of these two men would govern and spend taxpayers’ dollars. John McCain has loads of experience fighting for responsible spending cuts in Washington, while Barack Obama has none. Last night, it showed.