Lawmaker News

The Rush to Rush

Boy, I have never seen anything like it. All the lemmings in the Republican Party actually think that the American people rally around Rush Limbaugh.

Take Bobby Jindal — his condescending, sophomoric response to President Obama’s speech was right out of the simplistic Rush playbook. And funny — the only person who praised the speech was Rush!

But we watch as not only other talk show hosts like Sean Hannity or Laura Ingraham take up the Rush mantle but supposedly responsible Republicans in Congress also rush to Rush.

I can’t believe that I am giving advice to the Republicans, but if you want to build a bigger tent, to revitalize your party, to gain the confidence of those out of work, in foreclosure, whose savings have evaporated, the last thing you want to do is let Rush pull the wool over your eyes with tired, old, predictable ideological rants.

What Americans are looking for are answers, a pragmatic approach to get us out of this unprecedented crisis. There is serious impatience with those in ideological straitjackets, those whose only answer to any problem is “tax cuts” or “government is the problem.”

Rush and his cronies are fiddling while Rome burns — and the American people know it.