Lawmaker News

Thank God! Congress Saves Christmas!

Members of Congress are always threatening to ban frivolous lawsuits. Maybe they should begin by banning frivolous acts of Congress.

Case in point: a resolution actually voted on and approved by the House of Representatives this week declaring that Christmas is important.

It was a tough fight. Debate was fierce. Emotions ran high. But, in the end, advocates of Christmas managed to squeeze out a narrow victory, 372-9. The United States Congress is now officially on record as acknowledging “the international religious and historical importance of Christmas and the Christian faith.”

Thank God! Now we can all go shopping without feeling so guilty about it.

It’s in times like this that we discover what leadership is all about. And the true leaders of this battle are not the 372 sheep who voted for the Christmas resolution. They’re the nine brave souls who dared stand up and vote against it.

Give a Medal of Freedom to Democratic Reps. Gary Ackerman (N.Y.), Yvette Clarke (N.Y.), Diana DeGette (Colo.), Alcee Hastings (Fla.), Barbara Lee (Calif.), Jim McDermott (Wash.), Robert “Bobby” Scott (Va.), Pete Stark (Calif.) and Lynn Woolsey (Calif.). They voted no — not because they don’t love Christmas, but because they refuse to use the legislative process to score cheap political points.

Congress, by the way, said nothing about Hanukkah. Apparently, Jews are not important.

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