
Coulter Too Quick To Cry Foul

Poor Ann Coulter. She’s made millions spewing hate in book after book, and on television show after television show. But now Coulter wants us to feel sorry for her because NBC canceled an interview with her on yesterday morning’s “Today Show.”

The fiery blonde had been scheduled to appear to hawk her latest book, Guilty, but her appearance was canceled — and Coulter’s crying CENSORSHIP!

Nonsense. You want to talk censorship? Try getting booked as a liberal on the morning talk shows. For my latest book, Trainwreck, I was rejected by “Today,” “Good Morning America,” CBS and CNN’s morning show. But I didn’t whine about it.

The fact is, networks have no obligation to book every conservative or liberal who’s out trying to sell a book. They’re free to schedule, or not schedule, whomever they want: whomever they think will make for the best show and get the best ratings.

And let’s be honest. Spewing hatred, Ann Coulter’s specialty, may light up the evening airwaves. But it’s not all that attractive, early in the morning. Not the best way to start your day.

Certainly, freedom of the press includes the right of television networks to decide whom they want to invite as guests. By refusing to have Ann Coulter on “The Today Show,” NBC is not exercising censorship. It’s just showing good taste.

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