Presidential Campaign

Coulter: Trump boycott isn’t about Kelly, it’s about Fox being pro-open borders

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Donald Trump is the first alpha male to run for president since L.B.J., but his opponents think it’s clever to claim that he’s “scared” of Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly because he’s said he’s skipping this week’s Republican debate. This is like attacking 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney for being a libertine — or President Bill Clinton for being boring.

In addition to being the only candidate who will build a wall and deport illegals, apparently Trump is the only candidate who knows how to land a punch.

{mosads}Whenever you hear someone say Trump is boycotting the debate because of Kelly, remember that he didn’t pull out until Fox issued a juvenile press release, saying it had heard from “a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly” and “a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers.”

Wow — where did Trump ever get the idea that Fox was treating him badly?

Fox has made a habit of insulting Trump — provided he’s not there to respond. After the first debate — which, incidentally, all the polls say Trump won — Fox let it be known that the moderators had been prepared to forcibly remove Trump from the debate if he failed to follow the rules. Brett Baier even revealed their cute little speech before they would escort him to the elevator: “We don’t want to have to escort you to the elevator outside this boardroom. But we’re locked and loaded.”

Trump has gotten along well enough with bankers, unions, mafia dons and New York City bureaucrats to make himself a billionaire. Why him? Why not Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)? And why leak it after it was obviously not necessary?

It’s true that Trump has focused his complaints about Fox News’s coverage of him on the network’s star anchor, Kelly. I assume he’s using Kelly as a cat’s paw for an attack against the entire Rupert Murdoch enterprise, which is implacably pro-open borders, pro-amnesty and, consequently, anti-Trump.

No one thinks Kelly was up in her office alone, furiously scribbling her questions for Trump. Before that first debate, there were stories all over about the whole Fox News team working on the debate questions.

But most people don’t know who Murdoch is. Kelly is a star. By attacking her, Trump anathematizes the entire, pro-amnesty network.

One of the biggest problems facing the nation is that viewers think of Fox as the “conservative” network. If NBC or ABC were this spiteful to Trump, everyone would see it for what it is: political bias. Your enemies can never hurt you; only your “friends” can.

Fox News’s bias is more insidious. The hosts avoid stridently attacking Trump. You simply never hear from any pro-Trump guests — unless they’re completely ineffective. Immigration-opponents have been aggressively shut out — just as they were when Mr. Amnesty John McCain was running for president in 2008; when the Senate was debating Sen. Marco Rubio’s (R-Fla.) amnesty bill in 2013; and when congressional Republicans were trying to defund President Obama’s executive amnesty last year.

Are you seeing the pattern? When it comes to immigration, Fox News is indistinguishable from George Soros.

After each of the six debates, Fox News commentators, hosts, analysts, focus groups and body language experts all crapped on Trump and proclaimed pro-amnesty Rubio “the winner.” (By the fourth debate, I began playing “Carnac the Magnificent” on Twitter, predicting “Marco Rubio” to the question, “Who will Fox News claim won the debate?”)

Then all the polls would come out showing Trump the resounding winner.

But with every other news outlet screaming that Fox News is the extreme right-wing network, most Fox viewers are completely clueless. Surely, Fox News is giving us the best anti-immigration case you’re going to find anywhere, since Fox News is “our” network.

For the “conservative” network to be pro-open borders is like secretly switching a diabetic’s insulin with sugar. The false labeling is lethal. Millions of people watch Fox News and think they’re getting the conservative antidote, when in fact the open borders corporatists have found a new way to package their open borders poison.

One of the hardest things to notice is what you’re not being told. Immigration is the issue shaking up this entire election and driving Trump to the top of the polls. But at Fox News, immigration is Issue No. 22 — after Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Russia, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Benghazi, Hillary Clinton’s emails, ISIS, ISIS, ISIS, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Export-Import Bank, entitlements reform, ISIS and everything else.

This week, we found out that Fox News plans to have “YouTube stars” at this week’s debate asking regular, ordinary man-on-the-street questions that are on the mind of every Republican primary voter. One of the “YouTube stars” is an illegal alien. Another is an anti-Trump Muslim.

You won’t read about Fox News’s open-borders philosophy in National Review. You won’t hear about it on almost any “conservative” webpages, magazines, radio shows, Twitter feeds or blogs. Fox News is the only game in town for conservative commentators and politicians. That’s why no other candidate would dare cross Fox.

It took the first alpha male running for president in half a century to stand up to the Fox cartel on “conservative” opinion. Viewers beware: The only “conservative” opinion allowed on Fox News involves dissolving the nation’s borders.

Judging by Donald Trump’s astonishing rise in the polls, any cable network that took America’s side on immigration would end the Fox News monopoly — and make America great again.

Coulter is the bestselling author of “Adios, America! The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole.”

Tags 2016 presidential campaign 2016 Republican primary Amnesty Donald Trump Fox News Illegal immigration Immigration Marco Rubio Megyn Kelly open borders Republican debates Rupert Murdoch

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