Presidential Campaign

Gwen’s Gotta Go

Unbelievable. News broke today that PBS debate moderator Gwen Ifill is set to publish a new book on Inauguration Day 2009 titled Breakthrough: Race and Politics in the Age of Obama. I personally like Gwen Ifill and find her to be a probing journalist. However, given the title and subject matter of her book, I find it highly inappropriate for Ms. Ifill to moderate the vice presidential candidate debate tomorrow night in St. Louis.

For one, Ifill has a financial incentive for Obama to win: Her book will be published on Inauguration Day and her subtitle is Politics in the Age of Obama. Can you imagine if Sean Hannity had a similar book regarding John McCain set to be published next January and he was moderating tomorrow’s debate? Every front page and editorial board across the country would be having a fit and looking for blood.

Most importantly, the media has already shown a disturbing pattern of partiality in regards to the Obama campaign. From incessant skits about Gov. Palin on “Saturday Night Live” (when have they EVER parodied Obama or Biden?) to wall-to-wall Obama coverage, Ifill’s sitting in the moderating chair appears to be a conflict of interest posed by one who has an interest in his success.

We all know what will happen, however: nothing. Ifill will claim she’s impartial, the media will give her a pass and business as usual will prevail in the Fourth Estate: Cheer Democrats and screw Republicans. What a great media we have. Makes me proud.