Presidential Campaign

Which Hillary Will Debate Tonight?

Hillary Clinton champions her 35 years of experience and has been running for president forever. After New Hampshire she claimed she found her voice, which apparently was racially oriented rhetoric from her campaign, for which she has now apologized.

Today everyone asks, Which Hillary will debate tonite? The Hillary where Barack Obama is compared to Jesse Jackson? The Hillary who is proud, real proud, to be on the stage with Barack Obama? The Hillary who virtually yells about a month-old flyer?

Will it be the Hillary who waves her arms and points to the heavens with sarcasm, ridicule and derision about the man she was recently so proud to be sitting beside? The Hillary who is so mocking not only of the man she was hours ago so proud to be sitting beside, but his supporters as well?

Will it be the Hillary whose campaign was dishing a photo in a pathetic and desperate appeal to the lesser instincts of voters? Or some other, newly minted Hillary, to be unveiled during the debate? Will it be the Hillary whom we are told privately opposed NAFTA, then publicly applauded NAFTA, and now publicly criticizes NAFTA?

Will it be the Hillary who accused Obama of plagiarism, or the Hillary who lifted lines from John Edwards within minutes of her accusation about Obama?

Think about it. Thirty-five years of self-proclaimed experience, a virtual lifetime aspiring to be president, at the tail end of an interminable campaign, trying to decide which Hillary will debate tonight. That, ladies and gentlemen, is very sad and very revealing.