Presidential Campaign

The Holiday Season’s Easy Questions

Have you spent enough time thinking about the hard questions during this holiday season? How about if I throw you some easy ones?

1) Is John McCain too cool to cut one of those dorky holiday ads?

2) Are clemency stories dogging Mike Huckabee more politically damaging than the fact that he now quotes Scripture with regularity?

3) Can Mitt Romney use a Huckabee victory in Iowa to tell New Hampshire voters the Baptist minister used religious intolerance to beat him, and win decisively there to slow the Huck-buzz?

4) And will Romney actually be that bold?

5) And once they get to South Carolina won’t Huckabee’s anti-Mormon, evangelical micro-targeting work like a charm again as it is likely to in Iowa?

6) Will Barack Obama use the latest Clinton archives story, at least through a surrogate?

7) Will Hillary Clinton use the story on Obama voting “present,” at least through a surrogate?

8) Will anyone miss Rep. Tom Tancredo’s candidacy?

9) Will Tancredo endorse any of the colleagues he has been blasting all year on immigration?

10) And Fred’s all fired up now in late December — which state is he going to win?

11) Has Hillary finally found her most convincing line: “We’ve gone through trying to decide, who would you rather have a beer with, and look at the results. I think we want to say, well, who would be the best president?”

12) But why is she flying all over Iowa in the Hill-Copter with friends telling voters how warm she is?


Have a happy holiday season and please join me again then. Meanwhile keep sending useful, interesting and entertaining questions to