Presidential Campaign

Rudy Won

Rudy won last night’s GOP debate in South Carolina.

He won because he jumped down Rep. Ron Paul’s (Texas) throat when Paul suggested that the U.S. was to blame for the Sept. 11 attacks.

He won because he largely stayed out of the fight when Romney and McCain beat each other up over who was more conservative.

He won because most of the questions were about terrorism and security.

But in my mind he won because he finally introduced the real reason he should get the nomination next year: Hillary Clinton.

Who is the best candidate to beat Hillary?

Who can get at least half of the female vote when running against her?

Who can compete in New York, Illinois, California and other states outside the Old South?

Who can get a significant number of independent voters?

Who isn’t tied down by embarrassing congressional votes that seem to always hit senators?

Who can get the Catholic vote?

Who can be tough enough, smart enough, savvy enough, and has a strong enough brand to beat Hillary?

Rudy is the only one who can beat her. And that should be a good enough reason to get the nomination. America’s Mayor finally introduced Hillary into the Republican debate tonight. And that is why he won the debate.