Presidential Campaign

Obama’s ‘Righteous Wind’ is Really Just Big Money

I laughed out loud when I learned that Barack Obama’s narrowing lead in the polls is interpreted by him as “I feel we got a righteous wind at our back.” The only thing Obama has at his back is $600 million, of which 75 percent comes from large donors, backing him.

After breaking his pledge to go with public financing, Obama’s messiah complex has really gone to his head. Barack Obama has taken to believing his own misleading press releases erroneously claiming that the bulk of his financial support has been coming from tons of small donors on the Internet clamoring for his amorphous call for “Change.” In reality, it’s big donors funding him.

The most ridiculous and disturbing aspect of this, however, is the media’s refusal to report this big lie about Obama’s campaign. It’s all about money. And with the coin Obama has garnered from going back on his word, he is now believing his own lie. Worse, the mainstream media is complicit in perpetuating this myth about how and why Obama is where he is today.

And yes, domestic terrorist Bill Ayers did host fundraisers for Barack Obama in his home. It is one thing for the Obama campaign to paint stating this fact as a smear, but it is an outrage that the media treats this fact as a smear as well. If Barack Obama wins the White House, it is not on his experience, nor is it his policies. It is because he has buckets of money raised after breaking a serious pledge, and the media that have refused to do their jobs reporting on who this man is. Will they report his lies if he becomes president?

Obama (and the media) believe the people with whom a candidate associates should not be an issue. If that is the case, then should endorsements also be given similar short shrift? If Bill Ayers raising money for Obama and being quite closely associated with him does not matter, then why does Colin Powell’s endorsement matter so much to them? Everything I was taught in journalism school is out the window in 2008.

It may take some time, but history will look back on this campaign as one of the most shameful chapters in American political journalism. The character of a presidential candidate does matter. But this year, the character of the American political press corps might just matter more.


Tags Barack Obama Barack Obama Barack Obama presidential primary campaign Bill Ayers presidential election controversy Candidate Position Entertainment Human migration Politics United States

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