Dick Morris and the Hate-Hillary Republicans

To understand the full magnitude of the catastrophic landslide that Republicans may suffer and Democrats may not deserve, read the last 50 postings of anti-Hillary operative Dick Morris on The Hill’s Pundits Blog.

Most recently Mr. Morris predicted that Hillary will cause a stock market crash. No doubt within weeks he will suggest that Hillary will lead to the destruction of New York from mushroom clouds, that if Hillary is elected the Hale-Bopp comet will return and destroy life on earth, and he’ll probably soon assert that Hillary has badbreath and body odor problems.

Now understand, if Hillary is nominated I will support her without the enthusiasm I would summon for the man who should be running, but isn’t. But this is no Hillary apology. While a reckless and incompetent president rushes to another unwise war, this time with Iran, Hillary voted for the Lieberman-Kyl resolution, promoted
by those who want this war. Another bad moment, of many, in the recent history of the Democratic Party.

When cultural anthropologists look back on the history of the 2008 campaign, they might focus on the endless, 24/7, non-stop series of Dick Morris’s anti-Hillary postings, columns, commentaries, obsessions, compulsions, invective and — in the case of his idea that Hillary will cause a stock market crash — delusions.

Mr. Morris merely embodies the visible symbol of a party that stands for nothing, believes in nothing, is drenched in scandal and failure, has nothing to contribute, no vision, no spirit, no soul and is reduced to nothing more than invective against a political opponent.

No sooner had Fred Thompson anointed himself the new Ronald Reagan than he spoke of the due process rights of Osama bin Laden.

No sooner did John McCain initiate his campaign for 2008 than he rejected his own campaign for 2000, destroying not only his rationale for leading America, destroying what should have been the true great hope for the Republican Party, but adopting Bush 43.5 policies and then Bush 43.5 tactics.

Poor McCain. He is now reduced to tormenting himself about which anti-Hillary invective from his Bush 43.5 courtiers he should parrot, and which anti-Hillary invective violates even his lowered standards of political discourse.

In these debates between the Stepford white men running for the Republican nomination, while they insult and demean black and Hispanic voters, while they insult and boycott their debates, they are reduced to a contest of who can hate Hillary the most.

This is what happens to a party with nothing left to say that is held to the ground, under the iron fist of its most extreme and shrinking right-wing base, unable to communicate with the rest of America and unable to offer any vision or plan to lead America.

The Republicans have become the Hate-Hillary Party, with the Hate-Hillary courtiers, spouting the Hate-Hillary invective, reduced to supporting Bush 43.5 policies, using Bush 43.5 tactics, masterminded by Bush 43.5 courtiers, destined for a Bush 43 outcome.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Mr. Morris is no doubt a brilliant man. Dare I suggest that for every 30 anti-Hillary diatribes, it might be useful to squeeze in at least one teeny weeny epistle about helping wounded troops, disabled vets and homeless heroes who suffer the cruel and unusual punishment from policies imposed by Bush 43.5 and supported by
the Bush 43.5 Stepford candidates?

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